Our promise to you
Delivering the best service possible
At Villafont we put our customers at the heart of everything that we do and are committed to delivering the best service possible. We want you to enjoy the process of buying a new home from us and have confidence in us – every step of the way.
Our promise to you
To ensure that everything runs smoothly and to answer any queries that you have, we have set out our promise to you:
We will provide a full copy of our customer charter upon request at any time and we will provide one to you automatically if you reserve one of our homes.
We will keep you fully informed and updated throughout the buying process.
We will train our staff to understand their responsibilities so they fully understand what the customer charter means to you.
We will make sure that you have all contact information that you need throughout the process and will ensure we always endeavour to answer any questions that you have along the way.
We promise to be clear and truthful in everything that we do.
We will be clear and fair throughout the whole process.